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Forgiveness: A Journey of Healing

Jun 10, 2024

2 min read



Hey, sweet friends! I hope you’re all doing well and finding grace in the little moments of your day. Today, I want to chat about a topic that hit me this weekend: forgiveness.

Forgiveness can stir up so many emotions within us, can’t it? Sometimes, the hurt is so deep that we feel like we just can’t let it go. But how can we expect to receive forgiveness if we can’t extend it to others? This topic hit home for me during Sunday’s church service. I didn't even realize how much I needed to hear that sermon until I found myself overwhelmed with emotions, tears streaming down my face.

The guest speaker shared some powerful insights about forgiveness that resonated deeply with me. She explained that there are two types of forgiveness: forgiving the action and forgiving the impact. Forgiving the action is about letting go of what happened while forgiving the impact means dealing with the emotional hurt caused by the action.

This part is tricky because the impact of the action can resurface unexpectedly, even years later. We may think we've forgiven the act, but something can trigger those old emotions, making the hurt feel as fresh as the day it happened. It can be frustrating and leave us questioning why we’re still feeling this pain, despite having laid it at God’s feet.

But then, the pastor said something profound. She explained that sometimes these painful memories come back, not because we’re failing to forgive, but because God is gently allowing us to process the pain bit by bit. If we had to face all that hurt at once, it might be too overwhelming. God knows this, and so He reveals these pains gradually, giving us the time we need to heal fully.

This perspective was a game-changer for me. I often felt like a failure when old pains resurfaced, but now I understand that it’s part of the healing journey. When a past hurt pops up, I can look at it as another opportunity to forgive and work through the pain. I can thank God for His gentle timing and for not overwhelming me all at once.

So, if you’re struggling with forgiveness, remember this: it’s okay if old pains resurface. It doesn’t mean you’re failing; it means you’re healing. Take it one step at a time, and trust that God is with you every step of the way.

“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” - Colossians 3:13 (NLT)

Let’s hold onto this truth and extend grace not only to others but to ourselves as well. We’re all on this journey together, and God’s timing is perfect.

Blessings and love,

Sarah Jo, at Rooted in Grace

Jun 10, 2024

2 min read



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